Relax, I'm From The Future movie review (2023)

Publish date: 2024-05-12

Days into wandering earth and being surprised that libraries still exist at this point in the past, he meets Holly, a self-described “queer Black vagina-haver.” Darby’s own grace in not breaking, or overselling his rich persona is matched by Gabrielle Graham's equally sharp performance. The two have instantly affable chemistry right after Holly sees Casper on the street and gives him her trash nachos. 

Casper may be from the future, but she is the story’s vision of the present, as someone who participates in protests to change what problems have stemmed from the past. Bonding one night after watching Canadian pop-punk gods Pup and snorting cocaine (which Casper says becomes legal), the two share a bottle of booze during a convo that circles the value of the present. Pup gets worse, so you better enjoy them now, according to Casper, while Holly states that history is “a f**king trash barrel.” As he sometimes does with people in this timeline, Casper comforts her that “things do get a lot better,” but then doesn’t exactly detail how. 

Casper is indeed the real futuristic deal, and he helps get his new friend Holly rich with sports bets intel to prove it and also set up his larger goals. His voice-over indicates that he has a plan, though he doesn’t reveal it to us—one of a few ways in which Higginson’s script starts off funny but cuts itself a bit short, minimizing its momentum in the process. Nor are Casper's clumsy antics laugh-out-loud enough to distract from how its time-traveling narrator sometimes drags our anticipation from one light-hearted scene to the next. Darby’s widened eyes in scenes where he steps on proverbial rakes can only take us so far. 

Unbeknownst to him, Casper is being hunted by a sleek, lonely, always-wearing black assassin named Doris (Janine Theriault), who is also from the future but without a single ray of enjoying life that Casper has. When she’s not sitting in a bland apartment having dinner opposite some busted projection of some type of relationship, or in therapy, she’s hunting other people who appear in jumpsuits, wielding a blaster that detects people by one quality: whether they make an impact on the world. When the light of her iron-like weapon indicates, she makes them disappear in one of Higginson’s puffs of brief special effects. Casper is her next target. 
